Anglia Ruskin University Student Union scuba diving club
FAQ’s for Try dives and PADI open water courses
1. Where does it take place?
Both the try dive and the pool sessions for the PADI open water course take place at the Abbey Sports centre, Whitehill Rd, Cambridge CB5 8NT on Monday evenings throughout the year.
2. What time do the pool sessions start?
The pool sessions start at 20:30 so please aim to be there 10 mins early. The pool session lasts for an hour in the pool so it is important to arrive early so you have time to get changed beforehand.
3. How much does the try dive cost?
A try dive through the ARU student union is just £15 instead of the normal £59
4. How do I book for a try dive?
You need to book your ticket (Click Here) and complete the registration form (click here) with your basic details and send it back to Underwater Adventures at
5. How much is the PADI open water course?
The PADI open water course for members of the ARU student union dive club is just £500 paid in two monthly installments instead of the normal £799
6. How do I book an open water course at PADI?
Please complete the registration form (Click here) with your basic details and send it back to Underwater Adventures at The two monthly payments of £250 can be made into the Underwater Adventures account ;
Underwater Adventures
Account Number 41053524
Sort Code 60-13-08
Please use your name as the reference when making all payments.
3. How much does the try dive cost?
A try dive through the ARU student union is just £15 instead of the normal £59
4. How do I book for a try dive?
You need to book your ticket (Click Here) and complete the registration form (click here) with your basic details and send it back to Underwater Adventures at
5. How much is the PADI open water course?
The PADI open water course for members of the ARU student union dive club is just £500 paid in two monthly installments instead of the normal £799
6. How do I book an open water course at PADI?
Please complete the registration form (Click here) with your basic details and send it back to Underwater Adventures at The two monthly payments of £250 can be made into the Underwater Adventures account ;
Underwater Adventures
Account Number 41053524
Sort Code 60-13-08
Please use your name as the reference when making all payments.
7. What do I need to bring?
All you will need to bring is a swimming costume and a towel, we will provide everything else you need for the pool sessions. You might also want to bring some flip-flops for use in the changing rooms.
8. Do I need to be a good swimmer?
No, but you do need to be able to swim and be comfortable in the water. To take part in the open water course you will need to be able to swim 200 metres but there is no time limit to complete the 200 metres so you can take your time
9. What will I do during my Try dive?
You will be taken through the scuba equipment and how it works before getting in the pool and putting the equipment on. You will then be guided through your first breath underwater before being given the chance to have a swim around to start to get used to the equipment. If you then feel comfortable with it we will take you through a few basic skills such as how to clear your mask underwater.
10. What will I do during my PADI open water course?
There is an online dive theory you will go over to teach you about the theory, equipment, and safety of scuba diving which you will complete while going through the pool sessions, during which you will learn the practical side of scuba diving going over the safety skills and the basics of scuba diving. You will finish the course with 4 open water dives over one weekend.
11. What if I don’t drive?
The pool is in Cambridge not far from the ARU with a bus stop just outside the main entry point for the leisure centre. There is plenty of space in the bike rack outside the main door if you prefer to bike. For the open water dives which will normally take place at a specialist scuba diving lake, as long as you let us know early enough we can arrange some sort of car sharing to help you get there.