PADI dsmb diver Course

The PADI Delayed Surface Marker Buoy course is one of the most important courses you can take. it allows you to show everyone where you are while you dive.

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PADI DSMB Diver Course

Course price £179
Surface marker buoys (SMBs) allow scuba divers to mark boundaries for mapping or search and recovery, alert boat traffic, or provide a line as a visual reference for ascending divers. During two dives, learn the proper techniques and protocols for using surface marker buoys and delayed surface marker buoys (DSMBs) in the local area.


We offer the very highest level of PADI scuba diver education designed to teach you to scuba dive safely using the most up-to-date teaching practices. During this PADI course, you will complete 2 dives under the supervision of a PADI professional as you practice deploying a DSMB from underwater, First from a negatively buoyant position and then while floating neutrally buoyant in mid-water. You will also practice swimming with the DSMB deployed so you can get used to thinking about the extra entanglement considerations you have while diving with a DSMB


The price we tell you at the start is the price you will pay for the full course. Unlike some other dive centres, you won't need to pay extra for the open water dives or PADI books and fees.

What you will learn in this course

The PADI SMB Diver Specialty Course covers the knowledge and techniques required for the safe use of Surface Marker Buoys and Delayed Surface Marker Buoys. It is designed to familiarize you with the skills, knowledge, planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems, hazards, and fun of diving with and deploying DSMBs. You will learn:
  • Safe Deployment of the DSMB.
  • Good Practice in the storage of your DSMB and reel while diving
  • Safely navigating with a deployed DSMB.


Because Our PADI courses are designed around your needs and to give the best experience, our courses are run at times to suit you with private theory sessions, and monthly dive trips on which you can join to complete this course.


  • Two Open water dives.
  • All Equipment hire apart from wetsuit boots which we cannot hire out due to hygiene.
  • Air fills
  • PADI certification fee
  • In other words, everything you need to dive in a safe, friendly, and fun atmosphere.

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Earning your PADI DSMB Diver certification is just the beginning. Now that you are confident about deploying your DSMB why not try our PADI Boat diver course and learn about scuba diving from a boat? Plus you are now one step closer to becoming a PADI Master Scuba Diver, PADI's highest recreational rating